Felix Ever After book review


Set during a summer in New York at a prestigious art school, Felix Love, transgender, black and queer tries to navigate his teenage years. Then an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages and dead names him, and so, Felix comes up with a plan for revenge.


This is a messy, fierce, heartfelt, sad, funny and such a goddamn important book it's making me a little giddy I was finally able to read it. This book man, it's going to be so life changing for so many queer, and particularly transgender kids out there, wow, it's just beautiful and it does make me almost tear up thinking about it. Some will have waited all their lives for this, not just kids and teenagers. Representation truly truly matters.

There was so much in this book that I related to for sure, the conversations that were so important in it, and doubting oneself's identity, damn, I've been there myself, hell sometimes I am even there today. It can be so hard, I know...

But apart from feeling like I recognised myself in these kids, it was mostly just the possibility this book gave me, to hang out with this bunch of awesome, cool, queer kids in summery New York that just made me so goddamn excited about life. Ghaaa I want to live in the social world again, go to parties, to dance until I can't anymore, to laugh with friends, to scream at the top of my lungs at Pride. I want life to be beautiful again.

I definitely wasn't a fan of everything going on in this book, but I don't want to spoil anyone, so I won't say what those things were. And even if there were things that I didn't like it didn't diminish my reading experience at all so it didn't even matter that much. It's still one of those books that I will think about a long time after, cherish and want to buy my own actual copy of, because the cover is gorgeous and there are certain things in it that I would love to be able to highlight. There is just so much to love in a book that has so much heart in it, but not just that, it's easy to read and very educational too, it's why it will be a book I will recommend to everyone while also crossing all my fingers and toes that netflix will pick it up and make it into a tv show. It would be so good for it!

I loved Ezra in this, I LOVED him so much aaaahhh. And Leah, she was awesome and of course beautiful brave Felix. I loved reading your story. Thank you. 

Now my reading marathon of Shadow and Bone series + duology beings so I can read all 5 books before the show airs on netflix in April. God, will I make it? I hope so!

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