Upcoming stuff worthy of mention

I should probably work on my title game huh?

Summer is finally here man! I have spent a lot of time outside on the porch, reading, chilling, thinking, working. Life huh? Nothing beats summer.

Okay so tomorrow the Euros 2021 starts (well it would have been last year but we all know how that global disease ruins everything for everyone so it was pushed to this year) and it's something about the competition to the backdrop of summer that just makes me feel giddy as hell! It's so much fun that's what I love about it. This year I'm also betting, that's fun, not like seriously because don't play with money kids that's bad. Just with some friends for fun by using an excel sheet and including some impossible questions like how many goals will be scored in the whole tournament etc. It's going to be so fun, well probably. I do look forward to that a lot and there's nothing brining together a country quite like football. 

Some Loki thoughts

So I saw the first episode yesterday and I must say I looooveee this. I read some spoilerfree reviews that said that the first episode was dragging a little bit and mostly focused on worldbuilding and maybe they have a point in saying that but I must say just being able to inhabit this world with Loki as the driving narrative force was amazing and made up for all it was lacking. It might have been a little bit clunky, the humour not always working 100%, but Loki uses humour as a deflecting tactic to avoid conversations and having to deal with what's simmering underneath so I don't mind it as much. Hiddles is on form as Loki and his scenes with Owen Wilson are a joy to watch. That relationship is interesting, a little bit of a push and pull going on there and not knowing which one of them to trust. That's a great way to introduce their relationship and how it might or might now grow as the season progresses. 

Though the pain in this first episode I really wasn't expecting, damnit. It hurt me! A lot! I loved it, because I love angst eheh, angst leads to growth. I feel these smaller shows for Disney have really tapped into that which was kind of missing from the big films, trauma, pain, tears and growth. All the good stuff. There really isn't anyone quite like Loki in the mcu, and I'm so happy he's gotten his own show to lead and I have no clue where this is going but I feel it's just going to be absolutely great. Especially if they actually include Loki's canonically queerness into the show, that would be absolutely incredible! 

I've seen the first episode of Feel Good too and I haven't really had the time to binge it but the first episode was really solid. Mae Martin is just so good and I love the mixture of humour that's awkward as hell at times but also how it talks about some really serious issues too and how trauma and healing isn't linear and not having your shit together at 30 man, relatable, that's probably going to be me at that age...

I'm excited for Friday, Love Victor! I also just found out that Duncan Lawrence has written a song for it! Ah that's super exciting.

OH, also Shadow and Bone has gotten reviewed for a season 2!!!!!!! More crows in my life, YES!

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