Lost season 1 review


It seems somehow that 2021 tv show watching year has turned into me watching old shows that everyone saw years before me. First Line of Duty which is an ongoing show to be fair and now Lost. Hey, who would have thought huh?

(season 3 of Line of Duty shall commence soon, which when writing this makes me realise I never blogged about season 2, damnit. *adds it onto the to do list)

But anyway, back to Lost. I have a friend who has been on my ass about this show. It's like her favourite show of all time or something so she has talked about it a lot during the years we have known each other. She is also the kind of person that watched it back in the day when it aired while I was out being a little shit playing hide and seek and Sims, going to bed before 10 and so on. 5 years age different doesn't matter when you hit 25, but when you are 5 and your friend is 10, then well, the steps between feel massive. Anyway, this is kind of unimportant to the show so, let's get back on track.

The show has sentimental value to her, she loves it, still to this day while there is definitely a distance for me because I have seen so much tv that is ya know better than this...? Better is objective, but I definitely come from it from a different angle than what she does.

But I definitely had no excuses when Disney+ got Stars Play added onto their services which had all seasons of Lost on it so I started with a mutual friend to my other friend who has been on my ass. We decided on 3 eps a week which I kept to for a while actually until I decided to read so much I kind of suffered from burn out and had to put a pin in it (still haven't read in a while now...) But yes for a while all was swell and then I got distracted, but last week I came back to it and finished season 1 and now going pretty solidly into season 2.

So about Lost then. If you were to ask me to recap it would go something like this. *clears throat*

'Ok, so a bunch of strangers on a plane crashes on a deserted island full of strange things and mystery. Some people die, they fight a lot and weird shit keeps happening.'

Yep, about sums season 1 up. Basically I have no clue what in the living hell is going on. My genuine first thought was that they were in purgatory getting punished for something. But now I've been told this is a sci fi show so now all bets are off. Literally anything could happen and I will have no clue what that is. I'm just here to be strapped in for the ride I guess. Season 2 widens that because even stranger things keep happening, there is a button that has to be pressed every 108 minute, the strangers all actually seem to be connected somehow and the Others are batshit crazy. Who even are the Others really? They are obsessed with kids and they kill violently, that's about all I know. 

But yes season 1 then. I found it to be slow actually, it was dragging for a loooong time man. It only really got good towards the last 5 episodes and it's been living on that momentum since then because it's still good. The first two episodes of season 1 according to IMDB has a rating of 9.2 while the last two of the season has 9.3. I would agree with that, the first two were pretty solid because everything was chaotic and crazy but then the excitement simmered down as the show progressed. 

I liked episode 6 that was about Sun and episode 9 which was about Sayid. The issue with this show is sometimes there are too many characters and they have to give them less interesting things to do. Obviously they can't all be in danger all the time, sometimes they do have to be able to play some golf, grow some plants and go swimming. Of course, but sometimes it gets a bit boring because it feels very much removed from the plot and it loses my interest. 

I love Sayid though, he is my favourite. I liked him when I started out, now I love him. What a sweet romantic little baby he is. Him and Shannon hanging out is my favourite thing to come out of season 1 and it makes me emotional watching them. Jin starts out as an asshole, ugh and I wasn't very interested in him to begin with. But towards the end he felt like a much more integral character to everyone else and that I did like. And thank the heavens he's becoming one of the most likeable dudes in the crew as well. I think that what I am actually missing is them all feeling more like family and friends. But they can just be such asses to each other and I'm not a fan of that. Jack is a bit boring but I feel it's starting to even out now in season 2 as it feels less like a show just about him and more like an ensemble show now. Kate I have mixed feelings about, she can be a sneak and a lie and she is extremely selfish. On the other hand I do love it when she is genuine and supportive of the people around her, then she is a sweetheart. Sawyer is a dick and most of the time he is annoying, but I'm hoping he will grow less selfish and more caring in season 2, then I could consider actually liking him. Shannon is a sweetie, I love her as well, same with Sun. The rest I basically have mediocre feelings about.

But I am excited to continue, the one spoiler I actually know going forward, thanks Empire podcast for spoiling me, is that the other survivors will come into play and I feel that might add another exciting layer and dynamic to the other Losties. 

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