Okay, how to begin this post? For starters, last week was absolute bullshit. It was the worst week I've experienced in a while and I'm still suffering from it. A week ago to the day we put down my oldest dog Sunny, she was 10 1/2 and she was the first dog I have ever loved. She was the calmest sweetest dog ever and a real legend. I will miss her deeply.
I left my bf at the airport on Thursday after he's been here for 3 weeks and I haven't seen him since March, so that was tough, and then on Friday I got rejected from a job I really wanted. SIGHS. Yeah it's been tough alright and I have been absolutely exhausted. Exhausted like I have never been before. It's surprisingly hard wanting to do a lot of things but all you can do is lie on the couch fighting not to fall asleep.
It's something I have had to learn this week, to ride it out, accept it for what it is and take things at a slow pace. I haven never actually considered myself someone who gets to things at a slow pace, rather I've always seen myself as someone who does it at her own pace, and that varies from thing to thing, but I am a reliable person most of the time and I get shit done when I want to. A fine but unreliable character trait of mine.
It's actually a lot better today though, maybe it's a mental thing with it being Monday with a new week and all that, and I'm capable of seeing beyond last week and its misery towards a future in which I am more my productive self that I know I can be. I hope so at least. I am forever grateful I have my cat with me, she brings me so much joy and love and comfort and she's been close to me all week, watching over me like she knows something hasn't been right. Ahh animals, they are beautiful.
I'm going to try my hand at some poetry and writing this week, it's been too long since, and maybe it's time to get back to it after months of being in a creative drought.
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